Above the Life and Death Cycle

I am a Doctoral Student at Instytut Informatyki Teoretycznej i Stosowanej, Polskiej Akademii Nauk (IITiS, PAN) and the Joint Doctoral School, Politechnika Śląska.

I am currently working under the research project Impact of input data alteration and modification of the algorithm parameters on the efficiency of quantum programs, where the works are fundamentally realted to the improvement of a class of Variational Quantum Algorithms utilizing Reinforcement Learning methods.

Here is the the list of publications:
Link to Google scholar.

Simple explanation to Foundational texts in Indian Philosophy:
Just initiated The explanation.

Rough compilation of archived expressions:
This an abstract collection of small, medium ad large quotes and expressions from Novels, Movies, and a collection of conversation with Aliens and probably etc. Which can be found in Archived Expressions.

My Interests:
Death in the Afternoon by Hemingway